Using other brands with our products
Q: Can I replace my “Brand X” cooling tower gear drive with an Amarillo?
Q: Can I use “Brand X” oil in my fan drive?
Q: Why doesn’t Amarillo Gear recommend EP oils?
In the past, data from bearing manufacturers had suggested that EP lubricants might extend bearing life. At that time, we recommended EP lubricants in gear drives without a sprag-type backstop. However, current research indicates that some EP additives may reduce bearing life as evidenced in recent bearing manufacture’s testing when water and humidity are present. Most EP additives include sulfur, and when in contact with water molecules, will become an acidic pH that is corrosive and reduces bearing life. Because Amarillo Gear has a long history of gear drives in service using non-EP oils, we conservatively decided to take EP oils out of our O&M Manual.